
The MTO was out and about yesterday in conjunction with the OPP.  This is a common occurrence but we received news that the OPP (not MTO) were handing out some pretty big tickets for not having a NO SMOKING sign in commercial vehicles. Although this is not a new law (came out in 2009), it hasn’t really been enforced much since it was implemented.  I have posted a copy of the flyer below, or you can search “smoking in work vehicles in Ontario” to get the original pdf.  The bottom of the flyer says you may obtain free signs from your local Heath Unit.  For quick reference their number is 705-324-3569, or you can visit their website at http://www.hkpr.on.ca/.  I have a call in to see if I can get some extras that you can pick up here… if they will give me some.
This link may also be helpful for info on smoking in the workplace (or I should say, not smoking in the workplace 😉 )https://www.ontario.ca/page/smoke-free-ontario?_ga=1.105761731.1504007473.1470836173

Smoking in the workplace, company vehicles